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Free Excel Programs Download

Lotto Number Generator

This lotto numbers generator allows you to choose your own number set. Two scroll bars are available - one controls the number of lotto numbers (ex: 6) and the other controls the number of population (ex: 54). This program demonstrates "sampling without replacement".


Normal Distribution Random Number Generator

This random numbers generator populates random numbers from a normal probability distribution. Histograms are also generated for each of the generated distributions based on the parameters. It is a demonstration of statistical simulation.


European Option Pricing Models With Greeks

This option pricing calculator builds financial functions using the Black-Scholes option model. Option "greeks" are produced. It is a demonstration of customized functions.


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Data Mining and Forecasting

Using data mining, companies and organizations can increase the profitability of their businesses by uncovering opportunities and detecting potential risks. Our data mining and analysis consulting services can help you to extract valuable information out of your data by utilizing forecasting modeling (regression and time series analysis). We can analyze your data and provide you with forecasting reports that will suite your need
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